Merci Sleeping Mask Review

Hey Martians! I am excited to tell you guys about this new Thai skin care product that I have been using for the past 2 weeks. It is the Merci Sleeping Mask, with innovation from Japan and the extracts from Europe.

Active Ingredients:

How I used it:
  • I apply a generous amount onto my cleansed face at night and leave it over night.
  • Upon waking up, I wash the mask off with water and facial cleanser, massaging my face in a circular motion to stimulate collagen production. 

  • It made my skin baby smooth, supple, full of moisture.
  • My pores look smaller.
  • Fine lines are less visible.
  • Skin looks brigther for about 6 hours. 
  •  I give this product 5 Stars.
  • Highly recommended for people with dry skin, has lots of fine lines, and to those who likes to look fresh.
Available at:
Watch the Video Review:

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