Get Rid Of Pimples Using Vinegar

Get Rid of Pimples or Acne using Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar

From time to time, I get pimples especially when the weather is hot. Right now that it tends to get really hot at noon, my face is full of small pimples and rashes because I am allergic to hot weather. Every time I have this problem, Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar is my best friend. You can get this at major supermarkets for under P 200 pesos only. What I do is drink 2 tablespoons of this everyday and also use it as a toner. Please watch the video below on how to make a toner out of it. This one gets a 2 thumbs up for me. In about 3-5 days you can notice the difference and in 2-4 weeks my pimples are gone. You just have to bear with the smell when you put it on your face, I suggest doing that at night before going to sleep :)

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