Cyleina Tomato Soap Review

Cyleina Tomato Soap is an Organic Soap which is supposed to help in minimizing pores and fights against pimples or acne. After using it for 1 month, I can say that it did minimize my pores and also gave me a reddish hue during the first few days that I have used it. There is a mild stinging effect when using it and skin gets tight after every wash so it is recommended to use a moisturizer after using it. The 200g soap is only Php 105, very affordable and it goes a long way, am on my 2nd month of using it and it is still huge! This is supposed to fight against pimple and acne as well but since I don't have problems with pimples, I can't really say if it does what is says. Anyway I would still recommend that you guys should Try it! Especially to people who has large pores. Thanks again for visiting my blog and I hope you can visit my youtube channel and subscribe or you can follow me on instagram.

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