Royale Beauty L-GlutaPower Whitening Soap Review

Royale Beauty L-GlutaPower 
with Glutathione and Vitamin E Soap

By now, my readers are aware that I am addicted to anything that can whiten skin. So I would try anything and blog about it. A friend of mine is a member of Royale Business Club, so she was demonstrating and explaining the nature of their business to me. I did not sign up as a member yet but I wanted to try their products since they have whitening and anti-aging product lines. Anyway the first one I tried is the Royale Beauty L-GlutaPower with Glutathione and Vitamin E Soap, this is 130g and could last for about 3-4 weeks, mine lasted 3 weeks since I use it a lot and even used it on my face, NOTE: this is a body soap, they have a separate face soap, but I just wanted to try it on my face anyway. 

The Verdict: I love it, it did not give me any break outs or pimples, it tends to dry out your skin, so you may want to apply moisturizer to your skin. There is minimal tingling sensation when you let it stay on your skin for 3-5 minutes which I like since the other whitening soaps I have tried feels like it is burning my skin. I love the scent of the soap, it smells fresh, I just love it. In the 3 weeks I have used it, I can't really say that it whitened my skin since I already have a fair skin, but maybe use it for 2-3 months and you can probably see results already since like I said it is a mild soap so you really have to give it time to work. I got this one for Php 180, I am not sure of the SRP since my friend said that it depends on the seller. Anyway, yes I would definitely recommend this soap.

Royale Beauty L-GlutaPower 
with Glutathione and Vitamin E Soap gets a score of:

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  1. this is a body soap...thank you i finally verified that it is. i intentionally bought it for my face because one freind of mine said its really great and she was referring to the face. but when i used it, i find it uncomfortable. its mahapdi and i got some rashes on my face.. maybe its not hiyang for my face because i have a sensitive skin.. thanks now i verified that this soap is for the body.


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