Pilaten Suction Black Mask Review

Hey Martians! I am very excited to share with you guys this black mask because it was my first time to try such mask. This mask is supposed to remove deep seated dirt, blackheads and even whiteheads.

How I apply the Mask:
  • I used a face brush in applying the mask, but you can also use your fingers.
  • I spread it evenly and generously onto my face, so that I won't  have a hard time peeling it off once it dries.
  • I let it dry for about 30 minutes, then I peeled it off.
My Experience:
  • The scent of the mask was so relaxing, I love it!  
  • The peeling off of the mask felt a little painful, in the scale of 1-10, it was about 4.So be very gentle and take your time!
What I Like about the product:
  • After peeling off of the mask, I can see all the whiteheads that was removed, there are a lot! Check out the photo below, those white things you see are whiteheads, I am pretty sure there are blackheads as well, but we can't see it since the mask is black.

  • I recommend this product to everyone and I am giving this product a score of 5 Stars.
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