My Dog Has Sore Eyes

This is not a review, I just want to share my experience to help others who are going through the same situation as mine. I noticed my dog very lethargic about 2 days ago, she would sleep the whole day. But she did not lose her appetite. She still eats a lot. Then she started scratching her eyes, it started to look swollen and it's as if she has a chinky eyes like that of the Chinese, at first it looks kind of cute and we even laughed about it. I thought it would go away on its own, thinking maybe it was because due to her sleeping all day. Then yesterday I started to get worried because she could barely open her eyes, and she would scratch a lot. So I decided to take her to a Veterinarian, they did all sorts of test on her, but they could not find anything wrong, the Vet said that her eyes are okay and it is just swollen, good thing she did not scratch the eyes itself but only the outside of it, so basically only the outside is swollen. I hope they are right though, because I read from other blogs that this symptom could mean a lot of things, but at least I am at ease now since the Vet said she will be alright. The Vet prescribed an eye ointment which cost Php 425. Check out the picture below. I am supposed to put it inside my dog's eyelids and massage a little bit, twice a day. And it is really a task, since my dog doesn't like it when I touch her eyes, but I have to force her gently since it is for her own good. I also hope this is not contagious, because I have 14 dogs and one of them is scratching her eyes also, I forgot to ask the Vet about that though. But just in case at least I now have an eye ointment.

Bottom line is if this is happening to your dog, take him to the Vet immediately because their eyes are so sensitive and they could go blind if left untreated. I don't know if this is sore eyes, but it looks like it since her eyes does have a lot of discharge when she wakes up in the morning. As of now she is getting pretty much better, she can now open her eyes but not to the full extent, so I hope she recuperates and be back to normal in the next coming days. The eye ointment should be used for 7 days and today is only the 2nd day, there is now a bit improvement. Thanks a lot for reading and please pray for my Queen, her name is Paris, she is the Queen of the 14 dogs we have, we have a make believe kingdom called Caninenia. 

This is the eye ointment, the total cost of her Vet Fees is Php 925. Good thing Vet Fees here in the Philippines is cheap compared to the US which cost thousands of dollars. Check out the video below and see my Queen suffers from this sickness.

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