Amira Magic Cream Review

This is the BEST whitening product EVER! I noticed a friend of mine looking so blooming and I asked what is your secret, your face is so blooming and looks soft and silky, the type of korean skin we see on koreanovelas. He, yes he is a he just like me, he told me that he is using Amira Magic Cream, so I decided to give it a try for 295 Pesos at Watsons. According to the Package you can see results in 7 Days, boy they were wrong, I have seen the result over night! After using it for 1 night, the next morning when I woke up, looked in the mirror, WOW! My skin looks so soft, silky and white! Oh well I guess the result was faster on me since I am already fair skinned, but there really is a big difference! This is Highly recommended!


The Best Whitening Product there is!
It will make your skin looks soft and silky, just like the Korean Actors have!
I am using it everyday!


2 Thumbs Up ,^^

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  1. Hi! Are you still using it? Is it true that you may experience withdrawal syndrome if you stop using it? TIA! :)


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