Myra Vitaglow Review

This is for the Ivory Color Myra Vitaglow. I opted to go for the Ivory color since I am already fair skinned. Well this product is AMAZING! It would stay on your face for about 12-15 hours even if you sweat! I love how non greasy it is and it feels light. It will make you look glowing since once you apply it, if you look closer, there are micro glitters that can only be noticed by looking very closely. It still looks good even with the glitters on. But if you're not a fan of that, then this one is not for you. It is hypo-allergenic, but to be honest after using it for about a week, I got 2 break outs which are really small, oh well everything is an experiment and not all products will have the same effect in each people who uses them, that is why this is still recommended.


It will stay on your face 12-15 hours even if you sweat which is Good!
It makes your skin Glow because of the glittery thing it has.
Recommended, although if you develop break outs, stop using it for a while, then try again.


1 Thumb Up, 1 thumb Sideways ,^^

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