Gluta Berry White Soap by iWhite Korea Review

I bought this Soap from Watsons for 89 Pesos. It has Glutathione, Mulberry Extract, Kojic Acid and Vitamin E. I love this soap because it doesn't make your skin dry. It feels milky on skin while using it. I have tried other kojic acid soaps which are so harsh on skin, but this one is different. It feels light and good on skin and there is micro peeling after using it for about 2 weeks but the peeling is not so visible unlike the other kojic acid soaps that I used. And after about a month of using it, I can say that it really does work! So i would definitely recommend this soap. 


Price is cheap compared to other whitening Soap.

I may buy this again, I say "may" because I am interested in trying Amira Magic Soap to make a comparison.

Would definitely recommend this soap to you guys.


2 Thumbs Up ,^^

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  1. oh really ill try it too .....

  2. Hi Jeni, it looks like your online shop was not included in your comment, people might be interested in checking out your products. And it's okay with me for you to put a link of your online shop on the comments section of this blog :)

  3. Hi! May i ask if this is anti-acne? i walked in a Watson's store to canvass Neutrogenia for my pimples and a saleslady recommended me this soap of yours because she said that i should start first using this mild soap before switching to a an acne cleanser so that my face would not be irritated. So what do you think, is it indicated in this soap that it is against pimple break outs? Thanks. :)


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