Pure Beauty Bon Voyage Restoring Line Decrease Mask Review

This Product caught my attention while I was looking around at Watsons. It is dirt cheap! 15 Pesos and it is made in Switzerland! It is supposed to decrease fine lines and restore skin vitality also smoothen the skin and increase elasticity, that is according to them. So I decided to give it a try although I am skeptic since it is dirt cheap! I know I mentioned that already. Anyways so you're supposed to apply a thick layer of the cream on a cleansed face and wipe it off or rinse it off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes. It is very oily! I don't know if you are familiar with the Ponds Cold Cream that was famous way before all these products came into existence. Well it felt like that. It feels so heavy on the skin but after rinsing it off, skin feels soft and supple. I did not get any break outs even with its oiliness, so that's a good side.


Feels heavy on skin during application.
Makes your skin Soft and supple.
Would not recommend it for people who has oily skin to begin with.

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